DIsini akO bkn nk cri Publisiti, Populariti Or whateva lh...Tetapi atas dasar kemampuan diri akO....akO still mampu mencOret sedikit LUAHAN akO yg x MAMPU KOwank PAHAM!...akO anggap kritikan itu MEMBINA!
Sometimes I'm lazy,I get bored, I get scared, I feel ignored,I feel happy, I get silly, I choke on my own words, I make wishes,I have dream.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Tragic Of Hermia ...!

Owkey ... nk jdikn Ako nye cete First entry akO kt Tragic Of Hermia (Toh) bermule from friend sekecilku... beliau adalh Yuzz or more identified with name Cik DONEWS adalh kaki tgn bgi
(manager) Toh lh!
sO tyme 2 Ako msih in daily activities kije ako je mengOn9...myspace .. myspace .. myspace ...!
jdi dye text kt akO about dye nye Band yg dye jlnkn skunk lh nOw akO lncluded dlm band 2 skunk ... he3!
MASE 2 Ako x taw plax dye niy de handle bende2 niy sO nk dye cri Vox pnggnti... looking for anyway!
ako yg Ke nO-3 vox bertukar2 beb dh kire terrific ...!
Ako tpi x taw lh band2 dye niy maen music pe ...? sO member ako ckp dye style music dye cm EYES SET TO KILL credit scremo + hardcore!
Ako mmng MINAT cngt2 lh band 2 Wey! Ciap akO what RINGTONE lgi BEB! ... hahahahah!
Darling =]
but kn2 ... Ako pOwn x ckp nk masOk into band 2 ... n then ako ckp pikirin dlu...
Ako hurm sbnrnye... interest love abOut MUSIC,Love 2 singinglalalalala .. ..=)
bkn sbb nk find Soul PUBLICSITI tpi akO mmng nk LIFE akO cm niy Love 2 MELALAK...
bear pe Owank nk kte kt Ako BAJED RockStar Lantax sane Life is gO On lh Wey ...!
My Life is my future, YOUR Life Go to hell lah!

Okwey2 turned over ... ha3 .. jeng, jeng, jeng ... tetibe plax de Owank cOntc Ako cpe tnpe recognized ditalian ...?
sO dye say dye adalh HYPO Line up Bagi TOH

Hypo .. Go!


egtkn cpe?
msty niy kije ar Ci Yuzz
Ako tentukn date time n jam BERAPE?n lebih mudah line up dye juge study mmng kt melaka, Poli Melimau...
x jaOh dri ako nye uma sewa lh ...
sO berjmpe lh di kdai mkn berdekatan ngan uma sewa akO...
Hypo bersame ceweknye Fawa = ')
sesi bermulenye pembincngan ...diantara akO n dye
jdi memikirkn pemasalhan 2 akO try tOk menggantikn vOx bgi TOH!
sO jdi lh zaza yg SKUNK!
yg still ROCK BABEH!
firts akO jmpe hypO Owank nye nmpax cm BERSEMANGAT!
ape yg dye ckp what akO lgi semangat kOt utk gO for TOH!
WalaupOwn akO more gi tue than dye setaOn je....he3 tpi cre dye akO dh leh taw dye niy jenis
lOve Music!
that y akO respek dye!
Tragic Of Hermia n LINE UP SPIRIT cm dye ar!!!!

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